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Pediatrics Publishes Report Examining Food Allergy Prevalence and Improving Care

A report published in Pediatrics suggests that studies citing food allergy prevalence could be imprecise due to inaccurate diagnoses, over reporting and missed diagnoses which could put patients at risk. “Critical Issues in Food Allergy: A National Academies Consensus Report” identified various practice goals to improve reporting and safety for patients with food allergy. Read the report’s full findings and recommendations.

Uncontrolled Asthma during Pregnancy May Increase the Risk of Asthma for Child

A recent study in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology suggests that the level of control a mother has over her asthma may affect the risk of her child developing the disease at an early age. The research was featured on and Physician’s Briefing. The study focused on over 7,000 children in Denmark whose mothers had active asthma during pregnancy.

The researchers found that mothers who had mild uncontrolled asthma, moderate-to-severe controlled asthma, or moderate-to-severe uncontrolled asthma during pregnancy were more likely to have children with early-onset persistent asthma compared to mothers who had mild controlled asthma. Read the full article.