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Pre-order Today and Get a Deal on the 2018 Virtual Joint Congress

If you can’t attend the 2018 AAAAI/WAO Joint Congress, or your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend all of the sessions you would like to see, you still have the opportunity to view and hear many of the sessions with the 2018 Virtual Joint Congress.

If you order the Virtual Joint Congress before March 5, you will receive the early bird price of $175 for members or $225 for non-members. The recordings are designed to expand your knowledge and clinical skills and help you maintain your certification on your own time. They are available to stream and to download as MP4 files.

The recordings will become available in the summer, shortly after the Joint Congress. Participants who pre-order the Virtual Joint Congress will be notified when the recordings are available.

To pre-order the 2018 Virtual Joint Congress, visit the Continuing Education Center.