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Want Extra Help Getting to Orlando?

If you need financial assistance to attend the Joint Congress, the AAAAI is offering scholarship opportunities for allied health members, fellows-in-training (FITs), non-faculty PhD post-doctoral fellows and PhD students/candidates in allergy/immunology (A/I).

Interested allied health professionals should click here for more information. FITs can find more information here.

New! PhD Travel Scholarship

New in 2018, the AAAAI will provide funding to assist U.S. and Canadian non-faculty PhD post-doctoral fellows and PhD students/candidates in A/I to attend the 2018 AAAAI/WAO Joint Congress. Recipients may be awarded a maximum of $1,100 depending on whether they have an accepted abstract for presentation.

Applicants must be official AAAAI members or have submitted an application for membership prior to applying for the award. Individuals with a faculty appointment will not be considered.

The submission deadline is November 22 at 11:59 pm CT. Applicants will be notified if they have been selected in December. Access additional information and the applications here.