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Search Begins for Next AAAAI Website and Social Media Medical Editor

Under the leadership of Website and Social Media Medical Editor Thanai Pongdee, MD, FAAAAI, the AAAAI website, social media and other technologies have evolved from a repository of material for members to a valuable resource for millions of visitors a year searching for patient and consumer information. Pongdee is completing his second term in the position.

A search task force consisting of Thomas B. Casale, MD, FAAAAI, James E. Gern, MD, FAAAAI, and John M. Kelso, MD, FAAAAI, has been formed and is actively seeking applications from members interested in guiding the website, social media and other technologies over the next three to six years. This position will be responsible for the AAAAI’s stance in the rapidly changing field of technology and increased internet use for medical information.

Members interested in the Website and Social Media Medical Editor position can download the job description, application questions and a detailed description of the interview process here.

Applications must be received no later than January 12, 2017.

For more information, please contact Bert Slivensky ( or Laura Plizka ( or call (414) 272-6071.