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PCORI Announces Asthma Grant Recipients

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has announced its approval of $97.5 million in new funding for 53 comparative effectiveness research studies, including eight awards to support research that examine strategies to reduce persistent disparities in uncontrolled asthma among African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos. Two of the eight studies selected were applications that received an AAAAI letter of support.

The projects are “Using IT to Improve Access, Communication and Asthma in African American and Hispanic/Latino Adults” and “The Coordinated Healthcare Interventions for Childhood Asthma Gaps in Outcomes (CHICAGO) Trial." Andrea J. Apter, MD, MA, MSc, FAAAAI, who is an AAAAI Board member, and Jerry A. Krishnan, MD, PhD, are the principal investigators, respectively.

PCORI is a non-profit, independent research organization created by the Affordable Care Act that funds studies with the aim of enabling patients and clinicians to make better informed healthcare decisions. After PCORI announced the asthma grants and a call for applications, the AAAAI offered assistance to members who were applying. A total of 12 letters of support were written by the AAAAI.

The PCORI website has an announcement detailing its newly approved awards. Read it here.