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From the President

Dr. Ledford Talks about New Journal

Dear Colleagues,

The specialty of allergy and immunology is growing in the United States and around the world. This growth is fueled by an increase in knowledge from research related to allergy and immunology, particularly an increase in clinical and translational research. The significance of this research is positively affecting the impact factor of The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI), which is close to surpassing the “10” benchmark.

The preeminence of the JACI as the international forum for publication of translational research in allergy and immunology has also led to an increase in the number of original articles submitted. This competition for publication has resulted in a very high non-acceptance rate of quality papers.

This growth sparked a year of strategic thinking and healthy discussions by your Board of Directors along with JACI leadership. This review led us to the conclusion that there is both a niche and a need for a new journal.

Click here for a series of questions that are serving as a starting point for this exciting venture.

Launching a new enterprise in challenging times reflects the confidence of leadership in our specialty and an investment for the future of our membership and our organization. It also brings us closer to achieving our strategic goal of developing and promoting innovative mechanisms to meet the educational needs of all AAAAI constituencies. We will keep you apprised as the journal takes shape.


Dennis K. Ledford, MD, FAAAAI
AAAAI President


Last updated: September 1, 2011